To the Hawaii Fan Community---
Due to unseen circumstances, we are are forced to reschedule Amazing Comic Con Aloha on February 23-24-25, 2024
Our new dates for HAWAII will be shifted to later in 2024, on November 8-9-10.
The Event will take place at the same venue, the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu.
We have not made this decision on this date change lightly, as this is indeed a necessity. After multiple doctors appointments, and a battery of tests, a Co-Organizer of Amazing Comic Con received diagnoses that must be addressed. This is major concern for our family of course, and impacts the community and our retail partners. Please note that this decision was one made by the Amazing family and not the Hawaii convention center. We thank the convention center for working with us to find new dates as quickly as possible.
We are honoring our commitments to the fans of Hawaii, and will work to produce the best possible event. We are working with our previously announced guests, and looking to expand with programming, creators and pop culture personalities.
Fans who have purchased tickets and packages will have their tickets honored for the November 8-9-10 event at the Honolulu Convention Center.
Exhibitors will be receiving an email which will outline options in vending at our our upcoming events shortly.
We sincerely appreciate your considerations for our family during this time, and look forward to being back in Honolulu this fall.
Very Truly Yours-
Jimmy S. Jay