AMAZING COMIC CON expands the scope of our August 2017 event by answering fan requests, by strengthening the media element in Honolulu. Here, action star RAY PARK fits the bill appearing on Saturday August 26 and Sunday August 27.
Ray Park is best known as the original DARTH MAUL from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the murderous, demon-like duelist with the double-bladed lightsaber. Darth Maul is a fan favorite character which appears appearing in nearly every incarnation of the cannon mythos from the prequels, to Star Wars; Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels.

Ray Park is also known for his portrayals of Toad in X-Men (2000), Snake Eyes in G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009), Edgar in Heroes (2010), and many more.
RAY PARK will be appearing in Honolulu on both Saturday and Sunday of Amazing Comic Con. He will be meeting the fans, and appearing on a spotlight panel. Scheduled Photo Op and Autograph Sessions will be posted in the coming weeks, along with pricing.
Look for more STAR WARS activities all weekend at Amazing Comic Con, from “Force Friday Free Sketches”, Comic Guests, Panels, and more.
Amazing Comic Con takes place AUGUST 25-26-27 at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu. The Best Comic Creators on the planet, Fresh Media stars, Wizards of Cosplay, Thrilling Video Games, and Anime will be featured at the best fan gathering in the state of Hawaii!

Tickets twill be going on sale THURSDAY MARCH 30th. Please continue to check the website and social media for updates.
Kids 10 and Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Comic Con!